11 Dec 2009

Charcoal Making at Kenko no Mori

IWA is welcomed to Charcoal Making at Kenko no Mori.(This is not a regular meeting of IWA)
Date: 19/20 December
Assembly:19 December 10:00am ~
lodging: Mr.Seitaro Sato's hut
Fees:1000yen( each person )

Enjoy walking in Kenko no Mori, eating 'Kiritanpo Nabe' and chattering at the hut!!
We can try to make charcoal at charcoal hut.
1day(half day) participation is OK.
Kenko no Mori( Mr.Seitaro Sato) tel:879-2230
or IWA member Shoji naganegi@cna.ne.jp


Wednesday 9 December ‘09. CHRISTMAS THEME POTLUCK LUNCH 11.30-4 p.m.

Present: Mrs I/I/S/M/A/N/K/K/K/I/K/C = 12. Apologies: Mrs Co/To

What a wonderful day was spent talking, laughing and renewing friendships and most of all EATING! The Potluck lunch was a huge success with many wonderful dishes being presented by members and although I say it myself…the roast chicken was delicious…cooked in my new nano/stream oven!

After a time spent relaxing members had a meeting and discussed many new ideas for the IWA. We decided an outline for the new programme for 2010. Some members hoped that:

1. another evening/speaker would be possible – for family/guests.
Others voted for:
2. An international cooking group in order to promote charity focussed on women’s needs
3. Another visit to the OYSTERs at Kisakata/Nikaho
4. A factory visit to TAKASHIMIZU Rice Wine making in Goshono
5. Another visit to JIZAIYA – for family/guests
6. Geijistu Mura/onsen/blueberry picking/Warabeza??
7. Learning how to play CANASTA
8. Origami folding workshop
9. Walking
10. Another visit to KENKO NO MORI – for family/guests
11. Mrs I introduced the idea of a ‘couples’ potluck supper club’ outside IWA format

Mrs I introduced an English book lending library for those who are interested – novels etc.
Any member wishing to add to this with English or Japanese books, please bring them to the next meeting.

Mrs S to receive 5,000yen from IWA for setting up the blogg, which all members agreed is a wonderful blogg and wonderful advertising for IWA. Links are already in the web!

Mrs I received 1,000 for being the host for 2 meetings.

Mrs S is to promote IWA in Akita in a local circular to try to increase membership.
A ‘special thank you’ was given to Mrs M/K/S for all their hard work for the 18 Nov. Animation Meeting. The evening was a huge success due to all their hard work. Mrs I was unable to attend, as she was absent in hospital on that evening.

Whilst chatting, members very kindly tidied up the kitchen and put things away, which was a tremendous help for Mrs I…THANK YOU ALL!

Members are reminded to try to KEEP THE ENGLISH GOING at meetings and take this very unique opportunity!

Please remember to check the blogg regularly and try to POST COMMENTS. Next meeting’s date has not yet been decided. JANUARY WILL BE A HOLIDAY.

Please check the blogg for further information regarding CHARCOAL MAKING at KENKO NO MORI on 19/20 December. This IS NOT AN IWA MEETING BUT AN EXTRA and a wonderful opportunity.


1 Dec 2009

IWA November Meeting

On the evening of Wednesday, 18 November 2009, 13 IWA members and families gathered at Mrs. Ic's house to listen to AIU's Professor Darren Ashmore give an informative and insightful lecture on the origins of Japanese animation.

Using a DVD of Lupin the 3rd as a backdrop, Dr Ashmore began with the historical roots of modern manga. Using pictures and anecdotes from history, he outlined the development of a uniquely Japanese drawing style, focussing on the 12th century Choujuu giga (lit. 'animal-person caricatures'), and the famous 19th century artist Hokusai's character portraits. He also detailed the inspirations provided by Japanese culture, history and religion. After the arrival of Commodore Perry in the 18th century, some Japanese manga artists began to apply their skills to political satire, as seen in publications such as The Japan Punch.

From then on, the unique east-west combination of drawing and storytelling (also heavily inspired by western novels, art, and early American television serials, etc.) continued to flourish until the arrival of Tezuka Osamu's Astro Boy (Tetsuwan Atomu), which marked the birth of modern anime. Dr Ashmore's student then gave a brief talk about popular modern manga, and passed around examples for the audience to see.

A pot luck dinner followed the lecture, and IWA members feasted upon a wide range of beautifully-presented international foods including Japanese, local Akita, Italian, Indian, and general Western food; salads and vegetables, followed by coffee, cake and fruit for dessert.

To top off the success of the evening, our first real snowfall of the year occurred as members drove home. A magical ending to a thoroughly enjoyable evening.

Attending: Ms. Kaw/Car/Con/Sho/Ito/Kur/Kon/Mor, Mr Ic and Ms Nar and Tom and their husbands.