27 Oct 2011

corrections to the announcemnet

Corrections to the announcement for Friday 25th November’s meeting:
Please read: ‘Association’ and ‘lucky’ . Sorry for these misprints and errors.

The 21st Meeting of IWA in Akita

The 21st Meeting of the IWA in Akita on Wednesday 26th October ’11, went very well with attendance from Mrs.I/I/S/O/M/W/T/K/N
Apologies from: Mrs.I/A/K/K
Visitors: Mrs F/S/T

A delicious potluck was enjoyed by all after the Agenda was discussed.
It was agreed during the meeting that the membership should remain at 500Yen each.
Guest fee should remain at 200Yen each.

Mrs I agreed to make enquiries for a factory visit to Coca Cola in Kawabe, and an Osenbi factory, as a field trip.

It was agreed that the Christmas Party should be enjoyed at a restaurant on Friday 2nd December in the evening. Partners may join. Venue to be decided later.

The New Year’s Party would be in house with a potluck party during the day time in late January 2012.

From 2012 it was agreed that other members’ houses would be used as a venue for IWA meetings.

Members agreed to R.S.V.P. as soon as possible, to the host of an event.

Mrs S said she would make up a new membership list and send it on to the new members.

When the newly released 2011 film of JANE EYRE comes to the movies in Akita it was agreed that members would go on the Wednesday Ladies’ Day. This is a beautifully produced ‘new take’ on the famous story by Charlotte Bronte and highly recommended. Interestingly, the film director is Cary Joji Fukunaga. His mother is Swedish and his father is Japanese. He was born in Oakland, California in 1977. This is particularly interesting for me.

Some dates for your diaries: These events are hoping to raise money to help Thailand recover from the THAI FLOOD.
November 11th and December 3rd 2011 at the Yuugakushya, 10 a.m. - 12 noon = Thai Cooking/2 dishes, with coffee and dessert as service. 16 people can join @ 2,000Yen each. Please make a reservation as soon as possible to Mrs Siri.
November 23rd 2011 also at the Yuugakushya 10.30 a.m. – 4.30 p.m. There is A Flea Market.

Mrs I agreed to contact Louth IWA to obtain the Constitution for Guide Lines for IWA in Akita.

Members are reminded to check the blog occasionally for details and information.

Hoping all members keep warm during the winter weather which is just around the corner!

20 Oct 2011

The 21st Meeting of IWA

The 21st MEETING of the INTERNATIONAL WORMEN’S ACCOCIATION in AKITA will take place at Mrs I’s home on FRIDAY 25th NOVEMBER 2011 from 7.15 p.m.
We are so luck to welcome Professor Joseph Lian, Global Business Department, Akita International University, who will give a TALK on his voyage from Hong Kong to Japan after the Tsunami in March 2011.
We shall enjoy a POTLUCK SUPPER after the talk, where members will be able to continue talking to Professor Lian. This promises to be a very interesting talk and I recommend members come along and enjoy time together.
Members may bring family guests along at a very small fee.
Look forward to seeing you all.

11 Oct 2011

IWA meeting in October

IWA meeting at Leader's house on Wednesday 26 October from 11.30 a.m.
Halloween Theme
Let's all get together and talk.

10 Oct 2011


Returning safely to Akita after a very exciting vacation in UK, I feel I would like to share some of the events, which I enjoyed, during my stay.
ANA flights to and from UK were excellent and on time. The weather in England was temperate with not much rain so it was so nice to get out of Japan’s oven for a whole month.
During my visit I was able to attend the IWA meeting in Louth on Friday 1st September ‘11. It was attended by over 22 members, all of whom share an international background.
The speaker was Professor Richard Lance Keeble, Professor of Journalism and Acting Head of Lincoln School of Journalism at University of Lincoln. Professor Keeble is also a director of the Institute of Communication Ethics. Professor Keeble was born in Nottingham and has challenged many top level positions in journalism and came to Lincoln University in 2003. To his credit he has written and edited 20 books and has written extensively on practical newspaper reporting skills. His text ‘The Newspaper Handbook’ (now in the 4th edition and published in several languages) is registered as the seminal work in this area across the country. For further details please go to his web.
Professor Keeble’s talk was on ‘Orwell: Novelist, Journalist and Spy’. George Orwell, born 25th June 1903 to 21 January 1950, wrote such famous books as Animal Farm, Nineteen Eighty-Four, Coming Up For Air, Burmese Days, A Clergyman’s Daughter, Homage to Catalonia, and The Road to Wigan Pier to name but a few, for those who would like to look into his work in more detail.
Professor Keeble is an authority on the subject and delivered a wonderfully, enlightening description of the author and his life, in a short span. Professor Keeble drew attention to Orwell’s awareness of ‘social injustice’ and his opposition to ‘totalitarianism’ and his belief in a ‘democratic socialist state.’ Orwell’s real name was Eric Arthur Blair.
An interesting coincidence is that Professor Keeble’s partner is from France and is a member of the Louth IWA and they visited their son, whilst he was working and living in Japan…a small world isn’t it?
After the wonderful talk all members, along with Professor Keeble, enjoyed a delicious potluck supper and discussions on the subject continued.
It was a wonderful opportunity for me to meet friends I had not met for two years and also stretch my white cells into the bargain!
Moving on… I am so pleased to find all family and friends in robust health and it was so wonderful to catch up with everyone. This visit to UK was so wonderful as my husband joined me in going and meeting family and friends before attending two conferences, one in Amsterdam and the other in Birmingham…both of which were very successful for him and his field. On the down side…I think I put on weight as I really enjoyed eating such things as Pheasant, Duck, Rabbit Pie, Fish ‘n Chips with mushy peas, Kippers for breakfast and Pork Pie, to name but a few!
Shopping, needlesstosay, was absolutely wonderful and fortunately I was able to catch the summer sales!
May I add that all the IWA Louth members wanted me to tell Japan that they are remembering them in their thoughts and hope that normal lifestyles will return quickly.