22 Mar 2010

Let's go to the annual meeting at Kenko no Mori!

Date: April 29th(Midori no hi)
Place:Kenko no Mori(Seitaro-san no Mori)
Time:10:00 am ~ 2:00 pm
Fee:1000yen for an adult

Let's enjoy walking together in the Seitaro-san no Mori and luncheon following!!
Please bring a lunch(rice balls or some bread) and something to drink.
We are served Japanese style soup and some edible wild plants there.

Assembly time:10:00 at Seitaro-san no Mori
If you have questions, please write an mail or telephone to the following.
Setsuko Shoji : naganegi@cna.ne.jp 018(826)0247