12 Aug 2010

Oyster eating

OYSTER eating on Wednesday 4 August 2010 at Kisakata was a huge success. Mrs Ka/Ic/Mo/It/It/Mu attended. Left Mr Donuts at 9.40 a.m. and Mrs Ka drove safely there and back. The weather was wonderful. The oysters were really delicious! We were lucky that the owner gave us a price reduction, as we are good customers with Mrs Ka! Oyster shop = Tel: 0184-43-3052. Kisakata Michi no Ekki. The oysters will be great until the end of August – so go and enjoy! (as you enter the michi no ekki by car the oyster shop is the last shop on the left hand side.)

After the oysters we went to a sushi restaurant not far away on Route 7 towards Akita, owned by the oyster shop. Parking available. Lovely new shop – great air conditioning! OOMA (conveyer belt) Sushi Shop.
Tel: 0184-37-3311. No holidays at this sushi shop. Open 11 a.m. to 8.30 p.m. Well recommended.

Pleased to announce that we have two new members who have joined IWA… Mrs It and Mrs Mu. WELCOME!