26 Feb 2011

The 15th Meeting of the International Women’s Association in Akita

The 15th Meeting of the International Women’s Association in Akita on Wednesday 23rd February 2011 was another lovely meeting.
Apologies: Mrs/K/M/K/K/M/A
Attendance: Mrs /I/S/I/I/N/M/
Agenda: To decide next program of events: March – December 2011

March: Free. As of 23 Feb ’11.
April: Mahjong. Learning/playing and potluck lunch at Mrs N’s home.
May: Late May: Garden potluck BBQ at Mrs I’s home.
May: Possibility of Garage Sale at Yugakushya. To be confirmed later.
June: A Saturday or Sunday: 2 movies back to back: Come Dancing (Japan) & Come Dancing (USA). Maybe taking place at AIU campus with lunch at the Café.
July: Outing to LAVENDER FIELDS/Otamachi and visit to the Organic Wine Shop.
Picnic lunch.
August: Early August: Oyster eating in Kisakata. To confirm with Mrs K.
September: Free. As of 23 Feb. ’11.
October: A British Recipe Cooking Lesson by Mrs I
November: Evening meeting with SPEAKER. To be confirmed later.
December: Christmas Party. Venue to be decided later.
Other options: The original cut, black & White DVD of Jane Eyre, Charlotte Bronte. Staring
Orson Wells.
Fire Flies Viewing.

The dates have not been confirmed yet. If you have other suggestions please contact Mrs I as soon as possible.
Please check this blog from time to time to keep up to date with updates about activities.
IWA is pleased to announce yet another new member to our group Mrs M. Thank you for joining and for your future support.

A little suggestion to members…it would be nice if you wanted to attend these events that you would please make a reservation/commitment by email to Mrs I. regarding your attendance, as soon as possible, so that it would make the planning of events so much easier for the IWA. Thank you for your cooperation with this request.