8 Apr 2011

NEXT MEETING, 17th for the IWA in Akita

NEXT MEETING, 17th for the IWA in Akita, is planned for Wednesday 18 May at 7-7-11 Motomachi, Goshono, Akita-shi. We shall meet from 11a.m. until whenever. We hope to hold a potluck lunch and renew friendships after all the upsetting news we have been hearing.
Please help by passing this information on to members who are not on the internet. Thank you.
Owing to difficulties March/April’s meetings were cancelled.

7 Apr 2011

a happy announcement

IWA is very happy to announce that one of our members has given birth to a beautiful, healthy little girl on 1st April at the Red Cross Hospital in Akita. Both are at home now and all is going well.

6 Apr 2011

Report from Akita No.3

Now 6th April 2011. Another report and update from Akita. These reports have become popular therefore I have decided to keep writing. I am inspired by Alistair Cooke’s ‘Letter from America’ and realize what an amazing part he played with his communicative skills.

I have noticed that since 2nd April, television coverage of the Friday 11th March devastating earthquake and tsunami has almost been cut. It seems that life must return to normal and we are being pushed into turning a corner whether we are ready or not. Of course this is somewhat understandable because so many of the television stations here in Japan are run on the investments of commercials. After all, the commercials help make money and make the world go around and therefore in the long run will help the Japanese refugees.

Also, I have noticed that the government’s bureaucrats have stopped wearing their coloured boiler suits and are now back to wearing their normal city suits. What does this all mean?

The other rather frightening observation is that the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant leakage ‘progress report’ seems to have gone off the air. I have also noticed, but am totally unaware why, that the BBC World News is not being shown on my Cable TV connections. I am so upset about this and have no means of understanding why?

Talking of England… I have to say that I am so proud that England has donated so much help for the badly hit areas. England has sent rescue teams with dogs, drinking water and most of all lots of wonderfully designed tents, each one supplied with a sketch book and crayons, a nice touch for the children. As an English person living in Japan I feel these connections between us are very deep and moving.

Tonight on Akita NHK television there was a wonderful special music program in
aid of the tsunami victims which my husband and I really connected with as it was called FURUSATO NO UTA = Songs From Our Hometowns (roots). Many famous Japanese singers sang songs old and new which really went to the heart and expressed deep felt emotions and encouragement for the survivors.

Tonight in New York the famous land mark, The Empire State Building, using lights, wore the colours of the Japanese flag to show solidarity. So many events and expressions are taking place around the world to show sympathy, support and encouragement.

It is now officially reported that nuclear pollution is leaking into the sea. Fish is also already reported to be contaminated with nuclear pollution. It has been rumored that Giegar Counters are ‘sold out’ in Tokyo’s Akihabara Electrical Outlet Centre. It is unclear about the availability of Iodine Tablets (non-radioactive) Potassium Iodate Stable Iodine in Japan. I have put a few feelers out regarding these pills but have not had any success…so either they are ‘sold out’ or the Japanese people do not know they exist – I am lost on this one! I am trying to ‘air on the side of caution’ and whilst I do not totally understand the enormity of the pollution problem nor do I wish to exaggerate or over-react, I know that perhaps this problem is going to get worse before it gets better and I do wish that I could be well informed and educated regarding this very huge threat. Therefore, I feel I should be responsible to protect my family and myself by any means necessary.

My own personal feelings can be captured in the song by Bonnie Tyler when she sings ‘A TOTAL ECLIPSE OF THE HEART’ (1984) and when she says ‘Together we can make it to the end of the line’.

2 Apr 2011

2 April 2011. FEELINGS.

We need time to recover from the unbelievable happenings of the last three weeks.
At the same time, it is important for us to ‘get back on the horse’ after this devastating fall and be strong and ride out once again.
A few members have suggested that we should meet soon and renew friendships and support each other with exchange and communication.
Further details will be on the IWA blog. Please check from time to time for further announcements.
Please take great care of yourselves and know that the world is thinking and praying for all of us at this very moment.