19 Jun 2012

the 25th meeting on RWANDA

Dear members and friends of the International Women’s Association in Akita, it is wonderful news that our speaker will be available for her talk on RWANDA on FRIDAY 6th JULY at 7 p.m. at 7-7-11 Motomachi, Goshono. This will be the 25th meeting of the IWA. We hope to get together after such a long absence and enjoy a pot luck supper together. I do hope we shall have a good following for this very unique talk by one of our very own members. Looking forward to seeing you all very soon.

5 Jun 2012

Cancellation of 15 June

ANNOUNCEMENT IWA is sorry to announce that owing to family circumstances our speaker for Friday 15th June has had to return to Tokyo and will be unable to meet us. I apologize for any inconvenience this has caused and hope that we can all meet soon. ANOTHER bit of information: Our treasurer for the past 3 years is retiring from the role for a while but is continuing to be a member of IWA. We are all very grateful for all her hard work. Thank you!