22 Nov 2012


ANNOUNCEMENT: Dear Members and friends, I am sorry to announce that the IWA Christmas Party on Friday 30th November has been CANCELLED. The date, unfortunately, does not meet with everyone’s approval. I apologize for all the inconvenience this may cause everyone. May I take this chance to WISH YOU ALL A VERY SAFE AND HAPPY FESTIVE SEASON.

12 Nov 2012

a Christmas Party 30th November 2012

The INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S ASSOCIATION in AKITA will hold its 27th Meeting on FRIDAY 30th NOVEMBER 2012. This will be a CHRISTMAS PARTY. Ladies are requested to bring a dish and gentlemen requested to bring something that they would like to drink. Just for fun, please show something to depict 2012 in your dress. Also, it would be nice if you would bring your favourite CD to share with everyone. IWA is catering out; there will be plenty of delicious food and drinks to enjoy, plus what you bring, too! We shall open the party from 7 p.m. and carriages for 11 p.m. Yen2,000 each, children free. I am sure we shall have a wonderful evening.