17 Nov 2013

November 2013, IWA in Akita.

A message.
It has been nearly one year since I wrote last. There have been so many things going on since that time. The long winter this year hindered meetings. I had a 12 day stop at the Red Cross Hospital for a very successful operation in March but recovery progress was slow and I was really depressed about not being so active. A visit to England during August and September was followed by a busy settling back into life in Akita and my teaching routines. Where has this year gone? I would at this point like to thank all members and friends of IWA for their heartfelt enquires and best wishes for the safely of my second son, who is now living in Cebu and for all the Philippines at this very tragic time. It certainly brings back memories of the Tsunami which took place in Japan over two and a half years ago. He is safe and very busy helping with volunteer work to distribute food and aid. THANK YOU. If you would wish to make a donation please check out: MARIQUITA SALIMBANGON YEUNG CHARITABLE FOUNDATION, INC. Regarding the IWA in Akita, I am sorry that there has not been any activity for so long but feel I would like to ask members and friends if they have any suggestions for future meetings? At the moment in the IWA Bank Account we have Yen5,766. Perhaps you could give things a thought and contact me or Mrs Shoji regarding any issues you may have. I would like to wish you all good health and hope that you will be safe during the winter months ahead. I look forward to meeting you all again soon.

30 Jun 2013

a beautiful baby boy was born!!

The International Women’s Association is very happy to announce that CONGRATULATIONS are in order for one of our members who gave birth to a beautiful baby boy on Tuesday 25th June 2013. Mother and baby are very healthy and the family is exceedingly happy.

7 May 2013

The 28th Meeting of the International Women’s Association in Akita took place as planned. However, members were ‘thin on the ground’ for the occasion. Despite this we all had a lovely day and a delicious pot-luck lunch. Please find below the notes for the movie which we enjoyed so much. It is one of the most famous stories in English Literature. I hope the notes help you enjoy the movie. The next meeting has not yet been decided but if you have any suggestions please get in touch. Let’s hope, here in Akita, the warm weather will be with us very soon. Thank you. JANE EYRE notes /synopsis FILM 2011. 84th Academy Awards Nominated. 120 minutes From the book JANE EYRE by Charlotte Bronte, Published 1847. Jane Eyre: Born, Thornton, Yorkshire April 21, 1819, died Haworth March 1855, 55 years old. Jane Eyre: Mia Wasikowska. Mr Rochester : Michael Fassbender . Mrs Fairfax: Dame Judi Dench Aunt Reed: Sally Hawkins Producer: Cary Joji Fukunaga. Back-drop: Yorkshire Moors and Derbyshire UK. The film starts near the end. Flash-backs. Orphaned at a very young age Jane Eyre now resides with her wealthy, unloving Aunt Reed and cousins. The cousins tease and abuse her constantly and the whole household hates her. After retaliating and hitting her cousin, John, she is sent away to LOWOOD SCHOOL where many unwanted girls are sent and bound to a miserable life and often beaten. Whilst at Lowood, Helen Burns befriends her, but she soon dies of consumption and Jane is devastated. At 18 years old Jane secures her first job as Governess to a little girl at THORNFIELD HALL, and leaves Lowood for good. At Thornfield Hall, a large isolated estate, Mrs Fairfax, the Housekeeper, greets her warmly and explains that the owner, Mr Rochester is hardly ever there. She warns Jane that he has a gruff demeanor but that he is a good-hearted man and a good master. Jane suspects that the little girl, Adele Varens maybe Rochester’s daughter. At last Jane is happy in her work and at the Hall. Three months pass and she is sent to post a letter, on foot. Through the fog on the Moor she is abruptly startled by a man on horseback. The horse rears and the man falls off. She helps him back onto the horse and he rides off. That evening Jane meets and realizes that Mr Rochester is the same man. The next morning he is gone. Weeks later Rochester returns with guests. One of whom is Blanche Ingram, who it is speculated he will marry. Jane hears noises outside her door one night and rescues Rochester from his sleep as his room is on fire. One evening an old acquaintance Richard Mason calls at the Hall. During the night he is brutally stabbed by an unknown culprit. Rochester tells Jane to stay with Mason as a doctor is called for. Later Mason leaves with the doctor. Already there are some romantic feelings between Jane and Rochester. Jane receives a letter from Aunt Reed announcing that John had committed suicide and she had had a stroke from the shock. Aunt Reed asked to see her so Jane visited her where she was told that 3 years ago her uncle asked to adopt Jane but Aunt Reed had written back to say that Jane had died at Lowood School. Jane was upset but forgave her Aunt for her evilness. On returning to Thornfield there is much talk of Mr Rochester and Blanche’s wedding however Rochester reveals to Jane that it is she whom he wishes to marry. She accepts his proposal. Quickly they rush to the church and during the ceremony Richard Mason, with a lawyer, turn up and stop the wedding by saying that Rochester was married 15 years ago and has a living wife, Mason’s sister. Rochester takes everyone back to the house and shows them his wife who is locked up as she is mad. Jane, in tears and still in love, runs away from Thornfield Hall and gets lost on the Moors and finds the home of St. John Rivers, who lives with his 2 sisters. They nurse her back to health and she gives her name as Jane Elliot and tells nothing of her life at Thornfield. St. John arranges for her to work as a village school mistress where she is happy in her work. St. John wishes to marry her and go to India as a missionary. Jane refuses him. Rivers then delivers news that her uncle, John Eyre has died and left her 20,000 pounds. Just then she hears Rochester’s voice calling to her…`JANE’. She follows her instincts and travels back to Thornfield Hall. She is met with a shock as she sees the Hall has been burnt down and she meets Mrs Fairfax who tells the story of how the wife had got loose and set fire to the Hall. Mr Rochester tried to save her but she jumped off the roof. Jane went to meet Mr Rochester in the gardens and found that he is now blind, from the fire. They are happy to be reunited and here we have a HAPPY ENDING to this very famous story.

14 Mar 2013

the 28th IWA in Akita meeting

The 28th INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S ASSOCIATION in AKITA meeting will be on Thursday 18th April at Mrs I’s home for a Potluck Lunch, the study and viewing of the 84th Academy Nominated movie JANE EYRE. This is the latest take on Charlotte Bronte’s famous novel. This movie is interesting as the director is Mr Cary Joji Fukunaga with Mia Wasikowska as Jane and Michael Fassbender as Mr Rochester with a special appearance by Dame Judi Dench as the Housekeeper. Please arrive by 10.45 – 11 a.m. Parking available. The film will take 120 minutes with introduction first, discussion and then lunch. Please come and enjoy renewal of friendships and information exchange. Looking forward to meeting you all again after a very long winter, here in Akita. R.S.V.P. asap to Mrs I.