25 Apr 2014

The 29th Meeting at JIZAIYA

The IWA is happy to announce the 29th meeting. After a long absence for a variety of reasons we are back in action. Slowly but surely IWA will start to take part and arrange opportunities for exchange of friendship and information in a relaxed atmosphere. The 29th Meeting will take place at JIZAIYA on Saturday 24th May 2014. Members and husbands and family members are welcome. Adults 2,000yen.We will start am 10:15.Please come until then. We shall enjoy a little country walk and pick some mountain vegetables and enjoy a talk about the countryside and the vegetables by Mr Kawai and then enjoy Akita dishes with mountain vegetables tempura, cooked by Mrs Kawai. We are very lucky to find this date with Jizaiya and the company of Mr Kawai and his wife. I am sure we shall all have a wonderful day. Let’s pick up from where we left off and continue with the IWA. Please contact Mrs Ichikawa, as soon as possible for reservations on akitawaves@cap.ocn.ne.jp I am looking forward to meeting you all again.