24 Nov 2014

31st IWA in Akita meeting My lovely, Soulful Italy by Ms.Tsuchida

On Friday the 14th November, 2014 the International Women’s Association in Akita enjoyed the 31st meeting in Goshono.  12 attended a talk by Ms. Makiko Tsuchida on ‘My lovely, Soulful Italy’.  Ms. Tsuchida’s talk traced her encounter with Rome, Italy, where she was for 15 years, working as one of the Japanese/Italian, museum and gallery guides. Ms. Tsuchida explained that when she was very young she would never have thought that her life would have taken her to Italy.  We are all never sure of our destinies.

During her talk, using power point through the computer and television, we learnt so much about Italian food, historical events and customs.  Her talk was well received and appreciated and we also learnt some every day, useful Italian phrases.
Ms. Tsuchida is now teaching in Akita at the Iyataka Culture School, the Fonte Culture School and also takes private lessons.   Once or twice a year Ms. Tsuchida is also taking small group tours over to Italy.  These tours enjoy time for savoring all the wonderful things of Italy.

After the talk we all enjoyed a potluck supper which was prepared by all the attendants, during which time we all had time to talk to Ms. Tsuchida and exchange information and friendship.

A vote of thanks was given and a small fee presented. 

The meeting was closed with the agreement of re-writing the Constitution of the IWA in Akita which will be posted on the IWA blog soon.

May we thank everyone for all the support for the evening’s success.  We look forward to meeting again in the New Year when we shall enjoy a New Year party.  Details to be decided later and posted on the blog.

May I take this opportunity to wish the IWA in Akita a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year for 2015!