20 Dec 2010

The 15th Meeting of the IWA in February 2011

THE 15th MEETING of the International Women’s Association will be held
on Wednesday 23 February 2011 at Mrs I’s home/Motomachi, from 11 a.m. We shall enjoy a POTLUCK LUNCHEON PARTY. We hope to discuss ideas and the programme for 2011. Those members attending are asked to bring along to the luncheon a photo of themselves at any age from 2 – 20 years. We shall try to guess who they are!
Looking forward to seeing you all then. Please reply as soon as possible. Thank you.

The IWA Christmas Party (14th Meeting)

THE IWA’s CHRISTMAS PARTY (14th Meeting) on Saturday 18 December was very successful.
9 members attended with 2 husbands accompanying.
Thanks to the introduction by Mrs M the restaurant MIZUYA-KOURIN was a huge success and highly recommended. (Tel: 018-863-0002. Akita City) The room was spacious and very comfortable and the set menu was very, delicious and of course very beautiful to look at. We met the chef who was successful in winning an All-Japan Award.
We had some fun with traditional British Christmas Cracker Jokes…
‘Why would you invite a MUSHROOM to a Christmas Party?’
‘Because he’s a FUN-GUY to be with!’
Also, we guessed the titles of famous Christmas songs from initials of the titles…
ISMKSC = ‘I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus’.
Thanks to Mrs K for driving 5 members and also thanks to Mrs M for sorting out all the charges, etc. the whole party was so enjoyable and ran smoothly. Thank you to all and HAPPY CHRISTMAS!

Also, given out at the party was an interesting letter from my sister who had just finished a course at the local college in UK…
‘I just finished taking an evening class at Stanford. The last lecture was on the mind-body connection. The relationship between stress and disease. The speaker (Head of Psychiatry at Stanford) said, ‘among other things, that one of the best things that a man could do for his health is to be married to a woman whereas for a woman, one of the best things she could do for her health was to nurture her relationships with her girlfriends’. At first everyone laughed, but he was serious!

‘Women connect with each other differently and provide support systems that help each other to deal with stress and difficult life experiences. Physically this quality ‘girlfriend time’ helps us to create more Serotonin-a neuro transmitter that helps combat depression and can create a general feeling of well-being. Women share feelings whereas men often form relationships around activities. They rarely sit down with a buddy and talk about how they feel about certain things or how their personal lives are going. Jobs? Yes. Sports? Yes. Cars? Yes. Fishing, hunting, golf? Yes. But their feelings? – rarely. Women do it all of the time. We share from our souls with our sisters/mothers and evidently that is very good for our health’. He said that ‘spending time with a friend is just as important to our general health as jogging or working out at a gym.

There’s a tendency to think that when we are ‘exercising’ we are doing something good for our bodies, but when we are hanging out with friends, we are wasting our time and should be more productively engaged – not true’. In fact, he said that ‘failure to create and maintain quality personal relationships with other humans is as dangerous to our physical health as smoking! So every time you hang out to schmooze with a gal pal, just pat yourself on the back and congratulate yourself for doing something good for your health! We are indeed very, very lucky. Soooooooooooooo, let’s toast to our friendship with our girlfriends. Evidently it’s very good for our health’.

So ladies let’s keep enjoying our IWA and let’s always have fun!

4 Dec 2010


Mrs K has kindly offered to take up to 7 members from Mr Donuts, Aeon Shopping Mall Goshono, on Saturday 18 December.
If you wish to have a lift please be there at Mr Donuts by 11 a.m. sharp.
Parking is available at PARK HOTEL at a minimum charge. This parking area is close to the restaurant.
Please remember to make a little donation for travel expenses to the driver etc. Thank you.

We shall start our party at 11.30 a.m.

If you wish to CANCEL you must do so by Friday 17 December by 10 a.m. or I am afraid you will have to pay Yen2,000 as the restaurant has catered for 11 guests as of today.

Hope to see you all there for an enjoyable, relaxing gathering.
Please contact members about this information if you know they do not have computer access. Thank you.

16 Nov 2010

Christmas Party in 2010

The 14th INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S ASSOCIATION in AKITA will hold its Christmas Party at:
Mizuya Kourin Japanese Restaurant
Tel: 018-863-0002
Our room has been booked for SATURDAY 18th DECEMBER from 11 a.m.
The cost is Yen 2,000 per person.
The restaurant is proud of their award-winning chef and we shall be in for a wonderful opportunity to enjoy the delicious dishes he will prepare for us.
We have a room booked for 10 members ONLY.
PLEASE COOPERATE WITH THIS REQUEST. Bookings taken from first come first served. PLEASE HURRY and tell other members about this event. Thank you.
I am sure we shall all enjoy a wonderful time together.

10 Nov 2010

IWA November Meeting

The 13th Meeting of the International Women’s Association in Akita held on Friday 5 November 2010 was another enjoyable evening.
Apologies: Mrs. I/I/I/K/Tx2/
Attendance: Mrs Ix2/Nx2/M/M/K/K/Kx2
Many thanks for Mrs K, Treasurer.
Many thanks to Mrs N for transport and also all members for the delicious food presented.
Professor Maenaka kindly gave a very enlightening talk on Bears in the Community.
Studying how bears are now counted using the Fur Traps on the routes bears cover, which can stretch for miles. Through DNA from the fur, each bear is then identified and traced. Through this study the type of bear is also recorded.
Prof. Maenaka attended Prof.Taguchi and Prof. Komatsu’s workshops on the study of bears. Taguchi having lived with the Matagi was a wealth of information on how they live and hunt bears. Maenaka read the book Soukoku no Mori, which encouraged her research. Matagi are hunters and have permission to kill bears. Studies are being made on how the relationship between bears and humans is changing. Conservation diversity: Should not kill bears– complimentary relationship between farmer and nature. ‘Activist for preserving nature’, to develop a sustainable system where hunters can protect villagers and bears.
We heard that Prefecture Local Governments change the quota for bear kills each year. Matagi prefer to hunt bears just after their hibernation, around March through Golden Week. This is the time when the Gall Bladder is at its biggest before the bear starts eating after hibernation. Matagi carry out strict rituals before and after the hunt ‘Jimon’. All parts of the bear are used. After the kill there is a ceremony at the Shrine for the bear to rest in peace. Professor Maenaka continues with her research and we wish her success in finding a way to promote harmony between bears and the community.

28 Oct 2010


IWA meeting on Friday 5 November for the talk on Bears in the Community.
May I suggest that you all meet at Mr Donuts by 6.50 p.m. and arrange so that 2 cars only will be travelling to my house. This will stop a lot of congestion in the street.
Hope many of you will attend this very unique opportunity to learn about bears. We are hearing a lot about them in the news these days. See you all soon.

17 Oct 2010

Nara House and Taiheisan Brewery

12th Meeting for INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S ASSOCIATION in AKITA on Wednesday 6 October 2010 was yet again another successful day out.
Mrs. I/S/A/A/O/Q/M/M/I/N/Mr.N & C. Apologies: Mrs I/I
Setting off on time (thank you ladies) 9.35 a.m. arriving just after 10 a.m. at the Akita Prefectural Museum. Weather was kind. The museum was of great interest and a bonus being free entry! Highly recommended for a good day out. Another treat there was to visit the NARA HOUSE which is a little drive away along narrow paths between rice paddies with the surprised SAGI Japanese storks taking flight.
The Nara House dates back to Edo period (1600-1868), owned by a wealthy farmer and took 3 years to build. The house is designated as an Important Cultural Asset by the National Government in 1965.
Moving on then to lunch at the Blue Messe Akita Michi no Eki. This is a real beauty spot with lovely gardens and surroundings. We all enjoyed a delicious lunch and chatter together.
Running 15 minutes late (not bad really!) we arrived safely at the TAIHEISAN BREWERY and were cordially met by Mrs Kodama owner who got us organized to visit the BLUE HOLE art gallery exhibition of Ikuo Nakamura’s most fabulous underwater photos. This you have to see to believe. The Blue Hole was founded in November 2009 and was once an old brewery first built in 1922. Renovated most sympathetically with an all pine wood finish. Here, too, there will be special exhibitions throughout the year by well-known photographers in the world plus periodic gallery talks, seminars and concerts. WATCH OUT FOR THESE WONDERFUL EVENTS.
The day did not stop there…we were then taken around the Miso/Soya/Sake making facilities at the brewery by a relative of the brewery who has worked there for over 25 years. Mrs Kodama kindly translated the information into English for our visitors.
Taiheisan has been a trusted brand since 1870, the name coming from Mount Taihei.
It was so fascinating to see the huge vats used to process the soya and miso. The whole process follows the KIMOTO method, which is said to be the oldest/original method of sake brewing where lactic acid bacteria is utilized to grow the yeast. A labour intensive and time consuming process. However, this process is carried on as generations before have done.

The meeting closed with yet another surprise. Mrs Kodama very kindly invited the IWA to view the family’s estate a little walk from the brewery. Here we were welcomed inside the old traditional family house, which also has a wonderful Japanese landscaped garden with pond. This estate has recently been awarded as a National Treasure. We were all so happy and privileged to have this unique viewing. Thank you so much to the Kodama family.

The meeting closed and all returned home safely.
Thank you to all members for making the day so successful. Thank you for contributions for transport to drivers and looking after one another…that’s what it’s all about!
Regards of thanks to Mrs Kodama have been sent and kind replies received.
I’m pleased to announce that we have another member to IWA: Mrs Q.

29 Sept 2010


13th IWA MEETING on Friday 5 November 2010 from 7 p.m. will be held at 6-8-2 Motomachi, Goshono, Akita.

We are very pleased to welcome Professor Hiromi Maenaka who has very kindly agreed to talk to us on her knowledge of BEARS in AKITA. It will cover aspects of her studies, experiences and understanding of the problems concerning bears in the community.
Professor Maenaka is a Director of the Global Business Programme at AIU Akita.

Please don’t miss this wonderful opportunity to learn so much.

As usual, members are asked to bring a little something to share for a potluck supper after the talk. This will give you an opportunity to ask questions and relax together. Refreshments will be provided.

The meeting will close around 9 – 9.30 p.m.
Please reply to Mrs I as soon as possible (RSVP).

Taiheisan Brewery and Blue Hole Gallery Tour

VISIT TO TAIHEISAN BREWERY Wednesday 6th October 2010-09-29
We are very pleased to announce that our group will be shown the very private garden, which has been in the family for generations. This garden is very old and has been awarded a National Heritage Award. We are so lucky for this very wonderful opportunity and very thankful to the family for inviting us all for a viewing.

3 Sept 2010

Taiheisan Brewery and Blue Hole Gallery Tour No2

TAIHEISAN BREWERY OUTING: Further information for this IWA meeting on Wednesday 6 October…
We shall meet at Mr Donuts at 9.30 a.m. and drive to
AKITA PREFECTURAL MUSEUM by approximately 10 a.m. free entrance.
Tel: 018-873-4121
URL: http://homepage3.nifty.com/akitamus/
Those members wishing to meet the IWA there rather than joining the group at Mr Donuts please let me know.
After about 30 minutes and a coffee there we shall drive to Blume Messe Akita where we shall enjoy a delicious lunch together. Restaurant Tel: 018-855-5587. 11 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Leaving there we shall visit the Blue Hole Gallery at the brewery and then attend the conducted tour with Mrs Kodoma of the sake, soya sauce and miso making processes. At approximately 1 p.m. Time will be given for sake tasting and buying!
I do hope as many members can join this exciting IWA event. Look forward to seeing you all then!

12 Aug 2010

Oyster eating

OYSTER eating on Wednesday 4 August 2010 at Kisakata was a huge success. Mrs Ka/Ic/Mo/It/It/Mu attended. Left Mr Donuts at 9.40 a.m. and Mrs Ka drove safely there and back. The weather was wonderful. The oysters were really delicious! We were lucky that the owner gave us a price reduction, as we are good customers with Mrs Ka! Oyster shop = Tel: 0184-43-3052. Kisakata Michi no Ekki. The oysters will be great until the end of August – so go and enjoy! (as you enter the michi no ekki by car the oyster shop is the last shop on the left hand side.)

After the oysters we went to a sushi restaurant not far away on Route 7 towards Akita, owned by the oyster shop. Parking available. Lovely new shop – great air conditioning! OOMA (conveyer belt) Sushi Shop.
Tel: 0184-37-3311. No holidays at this sushi shop. Open 11 a.m. to 8.30 p.m. Well recommended.

Pleased to announce that we have two new members who have joined IWA… Mrs It and Mrs Mu. WELCOME!

16 Jul 2010

Taiheisan Brewery and Blue Hole Gallery Tour

TAIHEISAN BREWERY & BLUE HOLE GALLERY TOUR for IWA members and friends on Wednesday 6th October 2010. Meeting at Goshono Aeon Shopping Mall, Mr Donuts at 9.30 a.m. Transport sorted. Taking lunch at Blume Messe Akita, Michi no Ekki. Should be back to Mr Donuts by 3 p.m. or preferred time.

Please don’t miss this wonderful opportunity to share a guided tour by the owner in English and Japanese, of the sake brewery, miso and soya sauce making facilities. We shall also enjoy the Blue Hole Art Gallery which has only recently opened on the premises. Chance will be given for purchasing miso, soya sauce, sake and other items.

Please reply to Mrs Ic whether or not you will be joining this tour as soon as possible. Thank you. Mrs Ic’ sister from UK will also be joining this tour. JI



As of 16 June 2010 suggestions for the Constitution for IWA in Akita

1. THE AIM: To exchange international experiences. Make friends. Expand networking between members. Speak English. Enjoying time together in a learning and friendly environment. IWA is a Non-Government Organization/Non-Profit Organization and Non-religious.
3. Membership open for Japanese women who have lived/worked/studied outside Japan for more than 3 months and who have a sound, working knowledge of English. Japanese who are married to a foreign national. Any foreign woman with a working knowledge of English. Any foreign national married to a Japanese national.
4. MEETINGS: Once a month. (Can change.)
5. MEMBERSHIP NUMBERS: Limited to 25 maximum membership. Further applications will be considered and a Waiting List made.
6. MEMBERSHIP FEE: As of June 2010: Yen 500 for one year, commencing June each year. Members joining late may be able to receive a 6 months’ late fee.
7. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING (AGM) will be held once a year.
8. MEETINGS HELD AT MEMBERS’ RESIDENCES: The resident should only provide the venue and refreshments.
9. POT LUCK LUNCH/SUPPER. All members are requested to bring a little food to share with other members and enjoy free chatting time together.
10. YOUNG CHILDREN may accompany members with permission of the Meeting Leader.
11. NON-ATTENDANCE AT MEETINGS: Apologies of absence should be given, in advance of the meeting. to the Meeting Leader.
12. GUESTS: Members may bring a GUEST once to a meeting. Thereafter, if the guest wishes to come again a MEMBERSHIP FEE will be requested.
13. FAMILY GUESTS/SPOUSE: Some meetings will be open to FAMILY GUESTS at a small fee.
14. POSITIONS FOR IWA: Secretary/Treasurer/Public Relations/Programme Manager on a voluntary basis.
15. EXPENSES: Those members incurring expenses in order for the running of IWA shall be reimbursed.
16. PROGRAMME: The years’ programme will be set at the AGM with all members attending with their suggestions and on a voting system. Members with ideas for future events and invitations of SPEAKERS should voice their wishes.
17. MEMBERS’ WISHES: Members with ideas and wishes should not feel shy to put their ideas forward. This is an association for each one of its members.
18. Members receiving transportation should remember to contribute to petrol expenses.
19. All work in preparing and serving foods at venues like BBQ etc should be equally divided.

As of today Mrs Kubota is Treasurer. Mrs Shoji/Mrs Ichikawa programme organizers.
Many thanks for the time they will spend for the IWA in Akita.
If any member would like to be involved on a COMMITTEE for IWA please let us know.

This document will be posted on the http://iwaakita.blogspot.com

28 Jun 2010


May 22nd, 2010

IWA had a trip to JIZAIYA, a place where Mr. and Mrs. Kawai lives in the unique rural life.
After gathering at Mr.Dounuts, we split in two cars and headed for this wonderful place.
Jizaiya is a place where we can experience rural life. Jizaiya emphasizes that the most luxurious life we could live is to wait for the time to blankly watch mountain and rivers and relax.

First, we went to the mountain to gather Sansai, which is an edible wild plant. There were many kinds of Sansai; Mr.Kawai taught us many things about it. For example, the sour Sansai Suiba, in English, Rumex acetosa, you can use it as a lemon for your tea. We also call it Sukanko, or Suippa. Tarano-me is famous for tempura. It’s a luxurious food in Japan. The appearance is similar to Urushi. The difference with Tarano-me and Urushi is if it has prickle or not. Tarano-me doesn’t have prickles. We also learned about animals and history in Akita; there are bear, deer and rabbit, but no wild boar. In one of the rumors, the long time known temple, Kinkaku-ji’s gold came from Akita.

After gathering Sansai, we headed back to the Jizaiya house, and made damako. Damako is Akita’s local specialties which are made from smashed rice. It is put into a delicious soup after shaped into a ball. Mrs.Kawai had already finished cooking lunch when we came back. She was ready to fry fresh Tarano-me that we took, into a tempura. There were all sorts of Sansai food for lunch. The cooked fish was a rare fish called Iwana. Smoked with apples and cherry blossoms, Iwana smelled really good and the bones were eatable. All the foods were delicious.

Jizaiya has had many visitors from all over Japan. It is popular on the media too. The perfect match of Mr.Kawai’s rural sense and Mrs.Kawai’s good cooking draws attention. We should appreciate nature and the history.

JIZAIYA web site

puratto web site http://puratto.com/philanthropy/2010/06/03/group-83/

23 Jun 2010

Oyster Eating Day Out


Mrs Ka will be taking the lead to take members to the OYSTER EATING DAY OUT on
Wednesday 4th August. Meeting time 9.30 a.m. at Mr Donuts, Aeon Shopping Mall, Goshono.

Origami Workshop

The ORIGAMI WORKSHOP was a huge success. 6 ladies attended. We all learnt something new about origami and enjoyed making many items. The potluck lunch was a huge success, consisting of salads, cold soup and home made cookies. A lovely day, weather wise, with the cool, balmy breeze through the house, which added to the relaxing experience. Thank you to Mrs Ku for taking the workshop for IWA.

22 May 2010


The IWA in Akita is happy to announce that they have a new blog up and running. Members have decided to create a blog in order to help newcomers to Akita settle down more quickly to their new surroundings.

Please check out: http://akitainfo.blogspot.com

We are hoping to enlarge this information on an ongoing basis. IWA is hoping to locate areas where English is spoken and written i.e. restaurants with English menus, events with English explanations. English information on Health, Leisure, Shopping, Home/initial set-up, Cooking and Eating Out, Transportation, Education and Recycle shops to name but a few. Also, other links to information in English, which will be easily accessible.

If you wish to add information to this blog please write to:
Thank you for all your help and support for this very worthwhile project.

Recently, at a meeting relating to the new akitainformation blog IWA members decided to make the IWA MEMBERSHIP FEE Yen500 only for the year June 2010-June 2011.

I hope that members will continue to support the IWA in Akita and enjoy happy days together.

1 May 2010

The 13th Meeting of the IWA in June

The 13th Meeting of the INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’SASSOCIATION in AKITA will be held on Friday 18th June 2010 from 10.30 a.m. at Goshono, Motomachi 6-8-2 Akita. We shall enjoy a POTLUCK LUNCH.

UNIT ORIGAMI will be the workshop taken and demonstrated by Mrs Ku. This workshop is not the traditional art form of origami but a wonderful opportunity to see and make the recently created UNIT ORIGAMI designed by Mrs Tomoko Fuse.

Unit Origami has important factors in that it is made in easy units, which are joined together to make another unit.

The more members attend this workshop the bigger and better the designs will be.

Please let’s join Mrs Ku for this unique experience and enjoy talking and exchanging ideas.

Please enjoy the pictures of UNIT ORIGAMI.

R.S.V.P. Asap to Mrs JI

27 Apr 2010


will take place at JIZAIYA on Saturday 22 May 2010. We shall meet at Mr Donuts at 9.45a.m. and sort out the car transport. Members are reminded to contribute to transport.
All family members are invited.

Please bring wet/dry towels. Something to drink. It’s better if you wear long trousers with good walking shoes. A hat may be advisable, too.

Fees: Adults yen2,000 Children: 5-6 grade yen1,000 Elemenary
1-4 grade Elementary yen700. yen500 for kindergarten children
babies are free.

As JIZAIYA was so successful last year the IWA is making a second visit but with slightly different activities.

We shall be walking out a little on flat countryside. Picking mountain vegetables and later on eating them. Learning about the countryside and vegetation from Mr Kawaii our host and owner of Jizaiya. We may be planting rice – I for one am looking forward to this experience.
We shall have a wonderful feast of delicious home made treats after our exercise! We may be making KIRI TAMPO, too!
I really recommend this day out as a wonderful experience and one you will remember for a long time.

Please reply to Mrs JI as soon as possible as we wish to know how many will attend.
Thank you for all your cooperation and we shall have a great day out.
Web page is: http://homepage3.nifty.com/jizaiya/

2 Apr 2010

The 10th Meeting of the IWA

Unfortunately the 9th Meeting of the IWA was cancelled, as there were not enough members to make the visit to the ONSEN worthwhile.

However, the 10th Meeting of the IWA which was held at GINGAKAN German Restaurant in Akita city (Tel: 018-824-1788) on Saturday 20th March 2010 from 7 p.m. WAS A HUGE SUCCESS.

8 members attended. Three ‘husbands’ had courage to join the party, which made the evening even more successful as the conversation shared was wonderful. The food was up to standard with wonderful spare ribs and delicious salads and nibbles. The beer/gin & tonics/wine flowed freely!

Mrs K drove 5 members and Mr & Mrs N arrived on their own. Daiko (drivers) were requested and all parties drove home safely after enjoying eating, drinking and making merry in a relaxed atmosphere.

Since this meeting was so successful there is a request for it to be repeated. I would hope that more members would join next time and take time out to exchange views and get to know each other better.

22 Mar 2010

Let's go to the annual meeting at Kenko no Mori!

Date: April 29th(Midori no hi)
Place:Kenko no Mori(Seitaro-san no Mori)
Time:10:00 am ~ 2:00 pm
Fee:1000yen for an adult

Let's enjoy walking together in the Seitaro-san no Mori and luncheon following!!
Please bring a lunch(rice balls or some bread) and something to drink.
We are served Japanese style soup and some edible wild plants there.

Assembly time:10:00 at Seitaro-san no Mori
If you have questions, please write an mail or telephone to the following.
Setsuko Shoji : naganegi@cna.ne.jp 018(826)0247

11 Feb 2010

IWA onsen event

Please note that the onsen event for Wednesday 17 February HAS BEEN CANCELLED.

21 Jan 2010

The 9th Meeting will be an ONSEN VISIT in the SNOW…

Date: Wednesday 17th February 2010. Leaving Goshono Aeon, Mr Donuts at 10 a.m.


Further information later. Keep checking the blog.

We would like to enjoy an outside (rotenburo) onsen looking out on the snow! Mizusawa onsen fills the bill for this desire. At Mizusawa onsen there are 2 outside onsen, one HOT and the other not quite so hot. Inside, too there are two to choose from. The onsen is the white milky type and is very deep outside and just wonderful! A view of LakeTawadako can be seen from the onsen, too.

The 10th Meeting of IWA in Akita will be at GINGAKAN German Restaurant in Akita city. This will be our NEW YEAR PARTY – better late than never!

Date: Saturday 20th March 2010 at 5 p.m.

Husbands are requested to attend, please. Almost ordered!!

Gingakan offers a very reasonable menu with variety but specializes in spare ribs.
The atmosphere is very good and I am sure we shall have a great, relaxing time.

Parking is available and also Daiko can be arranged, to drive you home safely, if you wish to drink. If we share some transport this will also make it easier to join.

I am requesting a non-smoking room.

April’s meeting has yet to be arranged.

The 12th Meeting of IWA in Akita will be held at JIZAIYA. This will be our second visit.

Date: Saturday 22 May 2010
Details: Leaving Mr Donuts, Goshono Aeon Shopping Mall at 10.30 a.m. Transport to be shared. Members are reminded to donate a little towards transport costs.
We shall be planting rice (not compulsory) or walking along the rice fields and eating wonderful delicious mountain vegetables which we pick ourselves.
The fee:
2000yen for adults and students
1000yen for 5-6 graders Elementary school children
700yen for 1-4 graders Elementary school children
500yen for kindergarten children…babies are free
Reply to these events to Mrs Ichikawa as soon as possible. Thank you for your co-operation.