22 May 2010


The IWA in Akita is happy to announce that they have a new blog up and running. Members have decided to create a blog in order to help newcomers to Akita settle down more quickly to their new surroundings.

Please check out: http://akitainfo.blogspot.com

We are hoping to enlarge this information on an ongoing basis. IWA is hoping to locate areas where English is spoken and written i.e. restaurants with English menus, events with English explanations. English information on Health, Leisure, Shopping, Home/initial set-up, Cooking and Eating Out, Transportation, Education and Recycle shops to name but a few. Also, other links to information in English, which will be easily accessible.

If you wish to add information to this blog please write to:
Thank you for all your help and support for this very worthwhile project.

Recently, at a meeting relating to the new akitainformation blog IWA members decided to make the IWA MEMBERSHIP FEE Yen500 only for the year June 2010-June 2011.

I hope that members will continue to support the IWA in Akita and enjoy happy days together.

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