12 Nov 2011

The 21st Meeting and the 22 Meeting of IWA Akita

The 21st Meeting of the International Women’s Association in Akita will be taking place at the AKITA INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY on Friday 25th November, from 7 p.m. Not at the Leader’s home.
Since we need a projector and screen for the Professor’s Film Show, and Talk, the AIU is the best place.
We have the use of a lovely, comfortable room with all facilities.
Please bring your Potluck Supper to the AIU.
Further details of how to get there and the room number will be on the blog very soon.
Please R.S.V.P. as soon as possible.

The 22rd Meeting of the International Women’s Association in Akita will be our CHRISTMAS PARTY. A booking has been made for 10 members (at the moment) for Friday 2nd December 2011 from 7 p.m.
Family members/Partners are welcome. Please R.S.V.P. as soon as possible.
The numbers can be increased if an early, prior booking is made.
Further details later.

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