25 Jul 2012


Dear IWA members and friends, July 2012 Just a short note to tell you that the move JANE EYRE has finally come to Akita City, Forus Cinema. It will be showing from Saturday 18 August to Friday 31st August. This is a new take on the old story written by Charlotte Bronte. It was directed by Mr Cari Joji Fukunaga. Starring Mia Wasikowska as Jane Eyre, Michael Fassbender as Mr Rochester and Judi Dench as the Housekeeper. This is a beautifully produced film and I am sure all members will love it! Since this is a very short window at the cinema for viewing and as many of our members are away on holiday, I am suggesting that later on in October we have a film afternoon with Potluck lunch and enjoy this film together with a background presentation by myself. Please check the IWA blog later on for further information and dates. Thank you.

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