22 Jul 2009


IWA monthly meeting on Wednesday 7 October 09 is CHANGING TO Friday 16 October.

IWA has very kindly been invited to Mrs G’s family orchard farm for apple viewing (maybe picking) and buying. Also, to enjoy the large (newly built) old Japanese style traditional farmhouse. This farm was the location for filming with the famous Korean film stars and crew in May this year. This is a wonderful opportunity to experience this beautiful rural setting. Let’s enjoy relaxing and talking together. The farm is close to Goshono. We shall meet at Mr Donuts at 10 a.m. and sort out transport.

Please be punctual, we cannot wait more than 10 minutes unless contact is made. The meeting should end by 1.30 p.m. Further details later regarding lunch arrangements etc.
Please reply to Mrs Shoji by email whether you will attend or not by 5 October. Thank you.

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