11 Dec 2009

Charcoal Making at Kenko no Mori

IWA is welcomed to Charcoal Making at Kenko no Mori.(This is not a regular meeting of IWA)
Date: 19/20 December
Assembly:19 December 10:00am ~
lodging: Mr.Seitaro Sato's hut
Fees:1000yen( each person )

Enjoy walking in Kenko no Mori, eating 'Kiritanpo Nabe' and chattering at the hut!!
We can try to make charcoal at charcoal hut.
1day(half day) participation is OK.
Kenko no Mori( Mr.Seitaro Sato) tel:879-2230
or IWA member Shoji naganegi@cna.ne.jp

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