29 Sept 2010


13th IWA MEETING on Friday 5 November 2010 from 7 p.m. will be held at 6-8-2 Motomachi, Goshono, Akita.

We are very pleased to welcome Professor Hiromi Maenaka who has very kindly agreed to talk to us on her knowledge of BEARS in AKITA. It will cover aspects of her studies, experiences and understanding of the problems concerning bears in the community.
Professor Maenaka is a Director of the Global Business Programme at AIU Akita.

Please don’t miss this wonderful opportunity to learn so much.

As usual, members are asked to bring a little something to share for a potluck supper after the talk. This will give you an opportunity to ask questions and relax together. Refreshments will be provided.

The meeting will close around 9 – 9.30 p.m.
Please reply to Mrs I as soon as possible (RSVP).

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