6 Jun 2011

Flea Market on 5th June 2011

The INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S ASSOCIATION in AKITA is very happy to announce that 10,900Yen was raised at the Yuugakushy’s Flea Market on Sunday 5th June 2011. The weather held out and a great day was had. The atmosphere was very relaxed and a very nice trio played gentle popular music throughout the day. There were many stalls selling a variety of items as well as vegetables, plants, cakes, yaki soba and lots more. Thanks to Mrs. Mo/Sh/Na/As/Ka/Ic for all their hard work. Also, thanks to those ladies who donated things to sell.
This has been a very big step for the IWA in Akita to take and we are proud to make this achievement and make this very important donation to Ms Junko Hatakeyama who is in charge of Sugicchi the organization which helps NPO for Akita. Ms Hatakeyama will put the IWA name and our donation information on their blog. http://www.akita-kenmin.jp/yugakusha/
We understand that our donation will be used to help the victims of the 11 March 2011 Tsunami.

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