27 Oct 2011

The 21st Meeting of IWA in Akita

The 21st Meeting of the IWA in Akita on Wednesday 26th October ’11, went very well with attendance from Mrs.I/I/S/O/M/W/T/K/N
Apologies from: Mrs.I/A/K/K
Visitors: Mrs F/S/T

A delicious potluck was enjoyed by all after the Agenda was discussed.
It was agreed during the meeting that the membership should remain at 500Yen each.
Guest fee should remain at 200Yen each.

Mrs I agreed to make enquiries for a factory visit to Coca Cola in Kawabe, and an Osenbi factory, as a field trip.

It was agreed that the Christmas Party should be enjoyed at a restaurant on Friday 2nd December in the evening. Partners may join. Venue to be decided later.

The New Year’s Party would be in house with a potluck party during the day time in late January 2012.

From 2012 it was agreed that other members’ houses would be used as a venue for IWA meetings.

Members agreed to R.S.V.P. as soon as possible, to the host of an event.

Mrs S said she would make up a new membership list and send it on to the new members.

When the newly released 2011 film of JANE EYRE comes to the movies in Akita it was agreed that members would go on the Wednesday Ladies’ Day. This is a beautifully produced ‘new take’ on the famous story by Charlotte Bronte and highly recommended. Interestingly, the film director is Cary Joji Fukunaga. His mother is Swedish and his father is Japanese. He was born in Oakland, California in 1977. This is particularly interesting for me.

Some dates for your diaries: These events are hoping to raise money to help Thailand recover from the THAI FLOOD.
November 11th and December 3rd 2011 at the Yuugakushya, 10 a.m. - 12 noon = Thai Cooking/2 dishes, with coffee and dessert as service. 16 people can join @ 2,000Yen each. Please make a reservation as soon as possible to Mrs Siri.
November 23rd 2011 also at the Yuugakushya 10.30 a.m. – 4.30 p.m. There is A Flea Market.

Mrs I agreed to contact Louth IWA to obtain the Constitution for Guide Lines for IWA in Akita.

Members are reminded to check the blog occasionally for details and information.

Hoping all members keep warm during the winter weather which is just around the corner!

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