31 May 2014

IWA 30th Meeting

IWA’s 30th meeting will take place on Thursday 17th July 2014 from 7.15 p.m. at

7-7-11 Motomachi, Goshono.

IWA is very happy to announce that our speaker for the evening will be Professor Mark Williams, Vice President of AIU Akita.  Professor Williams is well known for his studies and translation work for the famous author Shusaku ENDO.  ‘Endo Sensei’ is known for his literary works and for the famous novel ‘SILENCE’ (Chinmoku) - (1966).  Endo Sensei won the Tanizaka Prize in 1966.  Professor Williams translated ‘The Girl I Left Behind’ (1994) another famous work by Endo Sensei.  Professor Williams has in depth knowledge of the author and I do urge members and friends of IWA not to miss this very unique opportunity to look deeper into this once very famous colourful character, of his time, in Japan.

As we print this announcement, Martin Scorsese together with Daniel Day-Lewis,  Liam Neeson and Ken Watanabe are adapting the novel SILENCE and entering into film production in Hollywood in June 2014.

We shall enjoy a pot-luck supper after the talk and there will be plenty of time for questions and discussion after the talk.

Partners and husbands are most welcome.

Please R.S.V.P. as soon as possible to Mrs Ichikawa. 

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